My *Updated* Thoughts on Pattern Testing… 3 Years Later
Pattern Testing Burnout & Breaks
Celebrating ONE YEAR of the Blog!
Should I Apply to the Test?
Time Management in Pattern Testing
Let’s Talk About Designer Etiquette
Instagram vs. Reality: Photo Editing 101
On Size Inclusive Pattern Testing
Swatch Lessons with SunDaughter Knits!
The Importance of Making For Yourself
Pattern Testing with Budget Yarns
Testing vs. Tech Editing
Tester Chat Etiquette with @By.Stephanie.Erin
Testing Photography - the Basics
Sh*t Happens: How to Bow Out of a Test Without Being a Jerk
The Application & the First Few Days
In this post, I talk about early tester pitfalls and errors — those that happen even as soon as applying for a pattern test. Avoiding these small issues can make a huge difference in your success as a pattern tester and in the designer’s experience throughout the pattern testing process.
Finding Testers
A few designers have reached out to me asking how to find pattern testers, or more specifically, how to find better pattern testers. There are a few primary factors that lead me to either apply to a pattern test or pass on a pattern test. So, I thought I would use this opportunity to share some of my thoughts on what goes into my decision, in hopes that this may shed some light on what leads to more a successful pattern test call.
Can I make modifications?
How do I measure yardage?
You’re in a test and the designer has asked you to tell them the total amount of yards of yarn you used to make your piece. What?! How on earth would you do that? It’s not as complicated as it sounds.
What the heck is a gauge swatch?
You’re in a test and everyone is talking about a gauge swatch. What is that? Do you need to do it? (YES) Why?